
The End Of Social Distancing

Have you exhausted your favourite Netflix series? Are you craving the company of friends, eating out at your local restaurant or (like me) missing hugs!? We have all felt the stress of late as our life choices, free movement and social activities have been curtailed. Just like us, our horses can feel anxious when [...]


A Happy Horse, Whatever the Weather

We can ALL face a challenge in our horsey lives from time to time. Keeping a happy balance of our horse’s physical, mental and emotional needs, isn’t always easy. It was a temporary challenge with one of my own horses, Rocky, who inspired this very Blog! Rocky is new to my equine family and [...]


The World From the Eyes of Your Horse

Often with the best of intentions to keep things ‘short and sweet’ (as I so often advise clients to with their horses re-training!), I do have a habit of rambling on! SO…. I have put my ‘best hoof forward’ to truly keep this blog short and sweet. After all, you horse lovers have better [...]


Finding the best behaviour professional for your horse

Have you reached the end of your tether with your horse’s behaviour? Those who’ve experienced unwanted behaviour with their horses know what it’s like to be at their wits end with worry! Feelings of frustration, being on tenterhooks around your horse and even having sleepless nights due to fretting about unhappy situations, are all [...]


Cross-Country Confidence

The 2018 eventing season is galloping to a finish and the stunning cross-country (XC) venues being put out to pasture for another year. The thrills and spills have entertained us, inspired us, and certainly the hotly talked about World Equestrian Games had us on the edge of our seats, adding to a thrilling and [...]


“Rolling, Rolling, Rolling…”

So Why do Horses Roll? As horse lovers and owners we know only too well how our horses relish a good roll, especially in a favourite dusty or muddy spot. They kick their legs up in the air whilst wriggling their whole side and back bodies on the ground, even rolling over joyfully on [...]


It’s all Horse Talk!

What horses are saying when they ‘speak’… Ever wondered what your horse is saying when he greets you with his ‘voice’? Or what he may be communicating to others with a high pitch call? I’ve put together a short ‘mini-dictionary’ of horse vocalisation which I hope you find useful to more fully understand your [...]


Goodbye to Winter blues, Spring into happy horsey times…

Every horse owner relishes the coming of spring. Oh to be free from freezing fingers, muddy wellies, muddy rugs, muddy everything! We ride out the winter blues by taking long, hot baths, nestling by a roaring fire, cupping a steamy hot chocolate in hand. In winter, horses don’t find their ‘creature comfort’ in the [...]


How can I help my horse be a ‘better horse’?

The sociable nature of horses… Horses are HIGHLY SOCIABLE and when they have enough space choose to live together in small groups. It’s horses strong social needs that made it possible for humans to domesticate them in the first place. No large solitary animal has even been domesticated. Their sociable nature gives horses the [...]
